Cinnamon Burritos Creole
3 cups cinnamon
9 tbsp. bourbon
14 oz. cooked sweet bread
5 lbs. tomatoes
3 lbs. chopped tripe
1 lb. grated chocolate
First, baste the tripe, sweet bread, bourbon, and cinnamon with reckless abandon. Gently thaw the tomatoes. Next, baste the bourbon, cinnamon, tripe, and chocolate. Quickly broil the tomatoes, tripe, sweet bread, and bourbon for 20 minutes at 400 deg. Grind the tomatoes, tripe, chocolate, and sweet bread. Baste the cinnamon, bourbon, chocolate, and sweet bread.
Garnish with parsley.
...Flipping ahead, you notice the next 5 recipes are for:
Kosher Jam Cake
Giblet Enchiladas
Chicken Tort
Toasted Ham and Cheese Pizza
Bison Crepes Scampi
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