Story ID | Title | Creator | Status | Num Entries | Date Finished
174 | Springtime in Virginia | betty | Done | 22 | 12/27/2022 |
Where did we land? We landed right in a big pile of dry leaves! The pleasant earthy smell of po-tay-toes! Boil em, mash em, stick inna stew!
173 | Daylight Saving Time ! | betty | Done | 23 | 4/21/2021 |
Didn't they both come from the country of Upper Volta?? Boppy has stamps from there. It's now known as The Enforcer.
172 | A Winter Day in the Wilderness | bonnie | Done | 22 | 2/15/2021 |
The nearest bystander had to duck, to avoid being hit by a flying chocolate cream pie which had been lovingly prepared by Gordon Ramsay.
171 | Oh, the weather outside is frightful... | betty | Done | 22 | 12/31/2020 |
A large thunderstorm was right in our path! The pilot banked to avoid it but it seemed to swoop toward us, and in moments were were engulfed in the savory smells of Christmas dinner cooking!
170 | The McAvoys' Big Turkey Dinner! | betty | Done | 23 | 1/13/2020 |
Would you pass the TV remote control? I need to find out what the score is. I guess I could find out on my phone, but turkey grease had dripped all over it.
169 | A Breath of Fresh Air | bonnie | Done | 22 | 11/15/2019 |
The fear was simply too much, so I picked up a fish and started patting it, hoping it would not snarl and bite him anymore.
168 | Toiling at 3 a.m. | betty | Done | 22 | 10/13/2019 |
$431.18 for a total new sewer system, new pipes, and 2 new commodes. Now we are rocking, baby! I was so delighted that I pulled out my Mars bar which I save for special occasions.
167 | The Reckoning of the Kiwis | xander | Done | 22 | 7/28/2019 |
They would be able to rescue the kangeroos... We knew they were getting colder and colder all the time, and with the power out, we couldn't use the microwave to heat them up again.
166 | Somebody's Gotta Do It ! | betty | Done | 22 | 7/8/2019 |
The vet was astounded. He said, "I have never seen mange like it before... it must have been caused by faulty logic!"
165 | I love Thunderstorms ! | betty | Done | 21 | 6/10/2019 |
Maybe the best remedy would be to accept that you can't do laundry if the power is out. So just relax and admire the autograph. "You rock! Love, Thunderstorms"
164 | Wrapping those Christmas Presents ! | betty | Done | 23 | 1/9/2019 |
With each note I could include a handmade gift tag to indicate who it's from-and-to, but instead I'd really rather use this stick of dynamite!
163 | Let's Set Fire to the Woods | xander | Done | 21 | 12/7/2018 |
I had to take a break and drink some ice cold Mountain Dew and eat a bite of pecan praline nougat covered in sticky napalm.
162 | Some Kind of Adventure | xander | Done | 23 | 9/10/2018 |
We rowed with all our might and soon we reached the boundary between the dimensions.
161 | That Garage ! | betty | Done | 22 | 8/9/2018 |
He flipped the couch over violently, and once he had our attention, screamed, "NOT THOSE!!" Exasperated, I loaded my shotgun.
160 | I need a Summer Job ! What should it be ? | betty | Done | 24 | 8/3/2018 |
Those guys in blue uniforms always know what to do! They just waltz in and crap on the floor.
159 | A large, healthy tuft of stump grass | bonnie | Done | 22 | 7/18/2018 |
Mesmerized, we ate popcorn and drank beer while the spectacle continued. Eventually we ran out of mushroom booze.
158 | Cleaning up after Milo the Mouse | betty | Done | 21 | 7/11/2018 |
Wild animals belong back in their natural habitats which could be the jungle, savannah, or maybe the deep, dark secrets of the mind.
157 | Taking a Walking Tour of the UTSA Campus | betty | Done | 22 | 7/6/2017 |
SUCCESS!! With their youthful energy and can-do attitude, nothing could stop the students from rioting about the demolition of the omelet bar.
156 | San Antonio Vacation | greg | Done | 22 | 5/27/2017 |
She then pounded the table for emphasis, causing all the stray animals to congregate in Bonnie's back yard. What to feed them??? I know! We can give them bowls of scorpions!
155 | Will That Snow Ever Melt? ! | betty | Done | 21 | 2/5/2017 |
The nearest one is right next doo' Let's walk over there, introduce ourselves to the new neighbor, and say, "Hey, hey, hey, hey. What's going on?"
154 | Different Pizza Toppings | greg | Done | 21 | 1/11/2017 |
I am sure Donald
Trump himself would order at least five! Then arrange them attractively around the
orange pools of grease that the pepperoni left behind.
153 | But I don't want to! | bonnie | Done | 20 | 11/13/2016 |
That's everything we need for assembling a Gatling gun! And just in time, too. Any minute now the UPS man will come down the street in his brown truck...
152 | We Need More Enthusiasm ! | betty | Done | 22 | 10/16/2016 |
Someone needs to pour on his head a bucket of vomit! It was from the party last night! Everyone drank too much, and everyone will clap and cheer when they see it!
151 | Xander's New Dorm Room | bonnie | Done | 21 | 9/9/2016 |
Of course Xander won because he had the best aim, and because he also had the best laundry hamper in the whole building, word got around and students were constantly knocking on his door to see it!
150 | Trying to Keep Cool ! | betty | Done | 22 | 8/20/2016 |
It was cooler because we switched the fan to counter-clockwise, and that made us feel sleepy. So we immediately went loco.
149 | The Stump Vine | bonnie | Done | 21 | 4/26/2016 |
A neighbor said I was using up too much sunshine. Irritated, I told her to quit telling me that the Stump Vine exists. "It's not real!" I shouted.
148 | Laundry | colleen | Done | 20 | 4/2/2016 |
Well, in that case, we should string up some clothesline in the back yard. One end we could wrap around the big pine tree, and the other end we could tie to the neck of an ISIS terrorist! Hahaha!
147 | It's snowing!!! | colleen | Done | 29 | 2/22/2016 |
Get cartons of Cheetos and Cherry Smash at Costco and store them in shoeboxes which were then shoved under the bed, next to the pile of slush the dog fell into!
145 | Bonnie is Coming for a Visit !! | betty | Done | 21 | 2/5/2016 |
We packed the extra stuff into a
priority box and sent it to Hell in a handbasket! And there to welcome it into eternal
damnation was none other than Xander and Ethan!
144 | Heeeelllllloooooo there!!! | colleen | Done | 20 | 1/10/2016 |
I gingerly circumnavigated the sharp rocks and came upon an enormous double cheeseburger. Next to it was a plastic pot containing a pitiful plant, nearly dead from lack of internet service.
143 | Resolutions for the New Year ! | betty | Done | 22 | 1/9/2016 |
I took a personality test and I turned out to be an introvert. So I thought I would work on that and turned to the person next to me, and I said to him "What were you thinking?!?! You aren't a cow!!"
142 | Ordering Online Christmas Presents ! | betty | Done | 21 | 12/14/2015 |
If only I had gone to a reputable mafioso, I would have been able to get a successful hit ordered for the guy who makes all the deliveries.
141 | Dual Composters | greg | Done | 21 | 12/13/2015 |
All I smelled was the thick, sticky smoke from Stevens' smouldering burn pile. I told him I could compost those yard clippings, but he said "Stop looking at my bum and get on with your work!"
140 | Deli Bologna | greg | Done | 22 | 11/28/2015 |
Behind the fridge were puddles of spilled condiments and half-rotted vegetables. The odor of it all made me swell with joy.
139 | Getting Ready for Fall ! | betty | Done | 21 | 10/29/2015 |
Also, Roger Young seemed to be moving our boundary line in his favor. To counter that, Cliff decided to shred them.
138 | Slatherage | greg | Done | 21 | 9/16/2015 |
Only a very petite model could fit in that dress! Not only was it useful for safely snagging escaped animals, you could also use it for compost.
137 | Growing Those Tomatoes ! | betty | Done | 21 | 8/1/2015 |
Unexpectedly, the plants were hit
with a terrible blight which quickly made them perk up. I was satisfied with that.
136 | Midnight snack | colleen | Done | 21 | 6/11/2015 |
Then through a little
crack in the sugary glaze I saw several disgusting guests on late-night talk shows.
135 | That New Smart Phone | betty | Done | 22 | 6/10/2015 |
"I'm sorry, but your son-in-law has cancelled your phone service. We can start a new contract for you and bill it to the nearest patriarch."
134 | NOT A REAL STORY! IGNORE THIS | greg | Done | 24 | 6/3/2015 |
He's bluish purple, he's fuzzy, he's a little
obnoxious..... his name must be stricken from the Lamb's Book of Life. That'll
teach 'em!
133 | Why me!?!! | colleen | Done | 23 | 6/3/2015 |
I wonder if Danny Speight would let us borrow his passes to attend a free movie at Regal Cinemas. The options were spaghetti, lasagna,
or rigatoni.
132 | Backyard Projects | betty | Done | 22 | 5/28/2015 |
Thinking I was about to hang a hippopotamus, the owner of the garden center rushed over, alarmed yet civil.
131 | Cupcakes! | colleen | Done | 22 | 5/26/2015 |
You can use sprinkles, candy, curls of chocolate, even unusual options such as little Hulk faces made of butter and green-colored strips of bacon.
129 | Climbing Enchanted Rock | betty | Done | 21 | 5/2/2015 |
angst caused them to sit and have some pie and cookies.
128 | I Need to Take a Trip ! | betty | Done | 22 | 4/16/2015 |
You never want to lace-up shoes to the airport, because they are too hard to get on and off, especially if they are laced with arsenic!
127 | Bonnie's New Tutoring Job | bonnie | Done | 27 | 4/16/2015 |
The children proceeded to make cookies to sell to raise enough money for Bonnie's bail bond.
126 | Getting Ready for New Year's Eve | betty | Done | 22 | 2/18/2015 |
I am sure I put them next to the
loaded gun. It was a .38 revolver which I bought at the Dollar General Store. They were having a big sale.
125 | New Year's Resolutions | bonnie | Done | 22 | 12/24/2014 |
Now you know how to make your neighbors your best friends for life! Just walk over, knock on their door and with great enthusiasm, say, "I knew I could do it!"
124 | Get Those Presents Wrapped ! | betty | Done | 22 | 12/24/2014 |
You will recognize the delivery personnel by their red noses so cold and dripping with molasses. Or was it maple syrup?
123 | We Need a Plumber ! | betty | Done | 22 | 12/12/2014 |
The toilet won't even flush. Now what?! I went outside to get a fresh bucket of water, just in case it catches fire.
122 | Christmas Decorations | bonnie | Done | 22 | 12/12/2014 |
Some people think they are dead! But they're just acting. They're just lying there waiting to be strung from shrub to shrub.
121 | I Just Could Not Stop Playing That Video Game !! | betty | Done | 21 | 11/28/2014 |
We needed a room freshener bad! So I
sprayed the room with a can of Whoop-Ass!
120 | The Great Beyond | xander | Done | 21 | 9/21/2014 |
Gandhi, Einstein, and Owen Wilson. I figured that third choice
made perfect sense because he had just eaten a loaf of bread the size of his head. He then
extemporaneously launched into song.
119 | Summer | bonnie | Done | 20 | 9/21/2014 |
This spa was my favorite. It boasted a supersize
Beefsteak tomato that must have weighed 10 pounds.
118 | Best Video Game of the Year ! | betty | Done | 22 | 8/15/2014 |
A great number of reddish-orange Doritos. They were next to the Cheetos, Slim Jims, Twizzlers, and a box of Poop.
117 | The best movie EVER!!! | colleen | Done | 21 | 7/18/2014 |
My vivid imagination--I never would have guessed she would DIE
from it!
116 | What I Saw When I Took A Walk II | greg | Done | 23 | 5/28/2014 |
I shut my eyes and fell into a manhole! Fortunately, I
landed on my feet on a big pile of money.
115 | You know... | bonnie | Done | 23 | 11/10/2013 |
For breakfast I would rather have one bar of dark chocolate than ten bars of "The Star-Spangled Banner".
114 | Whatever is on your mind ! | betty | Done | 24 | 10/27/2013 |
Some people work better after they have cleansed their systems with special vegetarian drinks made with pureed kale. But you couldn't tell because your pants are on fire!
113 | Nursery Rhyme | greg | Done | 22 | 10/24/2013 |
Warm milk goes down like
silk. But warm tea goes down like vanilla pudding: smooth and chewed.
112 | Global Warming ! | betty | Done | 26 | 8/19/2013 |
Any second now I expected a giant squid to lunge forward and puke his guts out onto the floor.
110 | Planning a trip to Texas...or Virginia ! | betty | Done | 22 | 4/19/2013 |
I maybe had enough to get by without doing laundry. With that load off my mind, I turned my attention to the Mack truck barreling straight towards me!
109 | Thanksgiving | bonnie | Done | 19 | 12/19/2012 |
I didn't have time now to baste the turkey. Drat! I
just turned it over and dabbed on plenty of makeup...
108 | I Blew Up My Lab! | greg | Done | 21 | 10/26/2012 |
I was at my wit's end! I figured I would clean
it up with the blood of my enemies! And occasionally a strawberry Yoo-hoo.
107 | Christmas Shopping III | betty | Done | 21 | 2/11/2012 |
In the glove box was a carefully wrapped gyro sandwich, hot and freshly made with lots of whipped cream and chopped up maraschino cherries and topped off with premium unleaded.
106 | Let's Organize Your Garage ! | betty | Done | 22 | 7/25/2011 |
You never know what you might find under all those boxes. In fact,
down on the floor in the far corner, I found a reason to live again!
105 | Christmas Shopping II | greg | Done | 21 | 2/24/2011 |
"I am calling the cops! If you make one false move, I will take care of you by spiking the Christmas punch bowl with Jack Daniels!"
103 | Zombie Attack! | greg | Done | 22 | 6/10/2010 |
They ate too many brains which caused
them to jump up and down and sing Yankee Doodle. We weren't expecting
102 | The Art of Decluttering | betty | Done | 21 | 8/4/2009 |
Zombies had invaded and were eating people's brains and throwing
newspapers helter skelter down from the attic!
101 | The hathood of the traveling brown hat. | rhonda | Done | 21 | 3/20/2009 |
They would never suspect that the next place I put the hat would be like crushing prunes into stewed okra.
100 | The Nephews come to Visit | greg | Done | 22 | 12/9/2008 |
Maybe one day they'll learn to stop fighting over who got to choose the ice cream flavor. Well we finally settled on Swirled Tempest of Flaming Death...
99 | Laser Eye Surgery | greg | Done | 20 | 10/3/2008 |
First into each eye we will put some Vicodin in
your hand. A couple of these and you won't feel a thing! I should
know, I use them whenever I am doing brain surgery.
98 | Abiathar the Superhero! | greg | Done | 21 | 4/27/2007 |
Abiathar needs Artorios's help! So Abiathar asked him to pass the potatoes.
97 | My New Video Game! | betty | Done | 21 | 3/13/2007 |
I jumped off the
building right into the middle of 5 contaminated thugs who began pummeling the
Playstation in frustration.
96 | Fixing up my Garden | greg | Done | 22 | 1/29/2007 |
I yelled, "Hey you kids! Get out of my flowers!" But they were eating all the leaves off my periwinkles.
95 | Rearranging My New Tech Room | betty | Done | 22 | 1/31/2007 |
Those two cats shed so much that every day I need to load Oblivion and do some more killin'.
94 | Speeding Down the Highway | betty | Done | 21 | 12/4/2006 |
He tried pumping the brakes again to see if they really could go 120 mph.
93 | Having Surgery | greg | Done | 20 | 12/1/2006 |
We gave him two strawberry Twinkies which worked remarkably well, considering that he was dangerously close to defaulting on his car loan.
92 | Accountant at Work | greg | Done | 21 | 4/1/2006 |
Did you know that poor-quality windows could cost you a bundle in heating bills?
That's why I always read the Dilbert cartoon as soon as I get to work.
91 | What I Saw When I Took a Walk | betty | Done | 21 | 3/31/2006 |
I thought my throat would explode,
when suddenly out of a ditch slithered a gigantic, slobbering, museum-class
specimen of a loogie.
90 | Learning a Foreign Language | greg | Done | 22 | 2/4/2006 |
When they say Cinqo de Mayo they don't mean, "Drop the mayonnaise"; what they really mean is, "Show me your passport."
89 | Putting out Christmas Lights | betty | Done | 21 | 2/3/2006 |
99 bottles of beer! They must be coming from Mars! We're being invaded on Christmas!
88 | Lazor Beam Hydra | greg | Done | 22 | 12/16/2005 |
He pushed the button of the vending machine expecting a deli sandwich,
but instead, down the chute came a grenade!
87 | Concert at Chrysler Hall | betty | Done | 21 | 12/14/2005 |
The maestro
heading down the center aisle was Hulk Hogan!
86 | Touring Europe | bonnie | Done | 21 | 12/13/2005 |
For dessert I asked for English Trifle, a scrumptious dessert of whipped cream, fresh fruit, and sponge cake soaked with nervous sweat.
85 | Christmas Shopping | betty | Done | 22 | 12/1/2005 |
"I want paper not plastic! You stupidhead!"
He stomped his feet and then he yelled, "God bless us, every one!"
84 | Working at McDonald's | greg | Done | 21 | 12/1/2005 |
Reluctantly, I placed
the tomato heels and limp lettuce on each one of the cash registers.
83 | Trip to the Pumpkin Patch | sherry | Done | 22 | 11/7/2005 |
Boy, it stank, but the flames reached to pick up a jar of homemade apple butter!
82 | test2 | greg | Done | 24 | 9/16/2015 |
I think you should take a break now in order to crush those who oppose us.
81 | Going Into Space II | greg | Done | 21 | 10/28/2005 |
Secure your seatbelt and your helmet and make
sure the main power switch is turned to cheese.
80 | Taking Computer Class | betty | Done | 20 | 10/27/2005 |
Believe me, your brain will start to eat up all your system resources.
79 | Cooking Show II | greg | Done | 21 | 9/27/2005 |
"I know these eggs are fresh! Break this one open and you will see why you should never cook with Spam on television." (laugh track)
78 | Potty Training the Twins | betty | Done | 21 | 9/24/2005 |
You know eating prunes will always cause them to cooperate because they want to buy combat boots.
77 | Noisy Neighbors | bonnie | Done | 21 | 9/23/2005 |
The scintillating tones of Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven drifted with all their smokey offensive odor toward my patio!
76 | Driving Across Country | betty | Done | 22 | 9/16/2005 |
I opened the window to breathe some fresh air, but all I could smell was bacon and coffee.
75 | NASCAR Days | greg | Done | 21 | 9/9/2005 |
Suddenly, my nose started bleeding, and to wipe it, all I had was a sunburn and a hangover.
74 | Conserving Water | bonnie | Done | 22 | 9/9/2005 |
Three days later, we were so thirsty our tongues were sticking to the plan. This is great news!
73 | The Best Diet Ever! | sherry | Done | 21 | 8/31/2005 |
This diet was going to make me look like Britney Spears... well, at least like her Dad.
72 | What a Yard Sale! | betty | Done | 20 | 8/23/2005 |
I am so limber I bet I could put my foot under my bra.
71 | Test Pilot | greg | Done | 21 | 8/17/2005 |
Moo-ha ha! One more flyover and I will punch in the control panel, because obviously it's not doing any good!
70 | A Day in the Life of a Dork | sherry | Done | 21 | 8/14/2005 |
Your nose is too much to resist. This is why I never go into CompUSA unsupervised.
69 | Time for a Checkup! | bonnie | Done | 21 | 8/3/2005 |
Scratching the rash had left me with less than $5 in my pocket.
68 | Building My New Cat Condo | betty | Done | 21 | 7/10/2005 |
So to save floor space, you could try cementing your mouth shut and let me do
the thinking, OK?
67 | Putting Up Wallpaper | greg | Done | 21 | 6/12/2005 |
I went back downstairs and fixed myself a meatball lunch pocket. It was so good, I licked it again.
66 | My Newest Home Improvement Project! | betty | Done | 20 | 5/17/2005 |
In order to avoid the old nests of mice and rats between the walls, we decided to install a urinal in every bathroom!
65 | Phone Call | bonnie | Done | 21 | 5/9/2005 |
A simple telephone table is all that you need. It should be made out of chrome-vanadium and titanium.
64 | Airline Pilot | greg | Done | 21 | 4/23/2005 |
No time to lose; the passengers were eating up all the pretzels!
63 | I'm Not In It For The... | bonnie | Done | 21 | 4/6/2005 |
Another time I totally uppercut some guy because he opened a window. Now that's what I call a breakfast drink!
62 | Hosting a Cooking Show | betty | Done | 21 | 4/12/2005 |
It was too late, the hot cheese was dripping down onto the bottom of the oven and causing a terrible night with Nielsen's ratings.
61 | Ain't It Cool? | greg | Done | 22 | 4/7/2005 |
My underwear felt 2 sizes too small. I could never go through the whole day like this! So I headed for the rodeo.
60 | Competing with Starbuck's | bonnie | Done | 21 | 4/2/2005 |
"You have to SMILE at the customer! Make them feel welcome! Here, I'll show you." With that, she turned around and punched her in the face.
59 | My First Ocean Cruise | betty | Done | 21 | 3/28/2005 |
Just act nonchalant, find stuff fun to do, and try to avoid getting eaten by a seagull!
58 | Captain Underpants | greg | Done | 21 | 3/23/2005 |
He will surely reward me with a big wad of toilet paper stuck in my butt.
57 | New Year's Resolutions! | bonnie | Done | 21 | 3/18/2005 |
With a stern eye and haughty sniff, my personal trainer turned to pick up the equipment for the next round of cow-tipping.
56 | Saturday Morning's Cartoon Marathon | betty | Done | 21 | 3/13/2005 |
Lieutenant Leotard and his gymnastic Cadre of Doom were attacking the Mars Landing Base.
55 | Spy Base Alpha | greg | Done | 21 | 3/8/2005 |
We were too quickly running out of everything: bottled water, powdered milk, and freeze-dried corpses of agents of years past.
54 | Texas Winter | bonnie | Done | 20 | 3/3/2005 |
Great hailstones began falling from the sky. They were as big as beanbag chairs!
53 | Christmas Shopping - 2004 | betty | Done | 20 | 2/26/2005 |
How weary I felt! It was as if I had no limit on my credit cards!
52 | Modeling Agency | greg | Done | 21 | 2/21/2005 |
Show me that anorexic girl who came in a while ago. She has the look we want. She must weigh close to 350 pounds.
51 | All I Need Is... | bonnie | Done | 21 | 2/16/2005 |
Let's see... i before e except after c... unless it's "weird"... in which case jelly doughnuts will be your best bet.
50 | My Summer at the Archeological Dig | betty | Done | 21 | 2/11/2005 |
My hair was matted with mud and straw. We discovered that under the dirt was the wrapper from my Brown Mule.
49 | Shopping at Lowe's | greg | Done | 20 | 2/6/2005 |
As I quickly rounded the corner, I ran right into the forklift! Then I wallpapered the bathroom with all my receipts.
48 | Anorexia Therapy | bonnie | Done | 21 | 2/1/2005 |
To add to the great nutritional value of the yogurt, you can add chopped tuna.
47 | Building My New House! | betty | Done | 23 | 1/27/2005 |
Human filth would start roaming the streets if Kerry was elected president. That's why I needed an expert carpenter.
46 | Ultimate Ninja II | greg | Done | 21 | 1/22/2005 |
I cried "All your base are belong to us!" Then I jumped over the wall and into the swirling vortex of fear!
45 | Election Day! | betty | Done | 21 | 1/17/2005 |
The DNC rally was handing out free copies of the Communist Manifesto, which were all autographed by Snoop Doggy Dog and Jesse Jackson.
44 | A Day in the Life of... | bonnie | Done | 20 | 1/12/2005 |
He could hear the millions of soldier-ant feet marching, on the move to their next conquest ... to round up all the squirrels and ship them to Alaska.
43 | High School Carwash | greg | Done | 20 | 1/7/2005 |
We heard tires squealing as the two head honchos revved up for the race of the year. It was a chicken race of death.
42 | Pushed Over the Edge | bonnie | Done | 21 | 1/2/2005 |
Something had to be done! The doctor quickly cleaned the nostrils and inserted a peanut-butter sandwich into the VCR.
41 | Cleaning Out the Garage | betty | Done | 21 | 12/28/2004 |
It will really taste good with a piece of moldy bread!
40 | HULK SMASH! | greg | Done | 20 | 12/23/2004 |
We pressed our backs against the wall, trying to hide in the shadow of the titanic Doom-Bot.
39 | Joining the PTA | bonnie | Done | 20 | 12/18/2004 |
What do they think? That we're all a bunch of slack-jawed faggots.
38 | Going to the County Fair | betty | Done | 20 | 12/13/2004 |
I grabbed a ticket to go see the biggest cow on the planet. When I peeped through the fence at it, it looked like a NINJA!
37 | News at 11 | greg | Done | 20 | 12/8/2004 |
It was going to be a very big news day! Hurricane Bonnie had wiped out all of the office staff.
36 | Investigating Vegetarianism | bonnie | Done | 21 | 12/3/2004 |
This meal should keep the average person satisfied for thirty seconds.
35 | Boppy's Trip to Texas | betty | Done | 21 | 11/28/2004 |
We scraped it up off the road, and put it in a tortilla!
34 | Dance Class | bonnie | Done | 21 | 11/23/2004 |
You must have enough energy left to do four running leaps diagonally across the dance floor. That takes stamina, strength, and a classy outfit that fits like a second skin. For color consultation you must see an Avon representative.
33 | The Minotaur King | greg | Done | 21 | 11/18/2004 |
Towering above me was the Minotaur King himself. I shook in my boots. I sweated pools of gravy.
32 | The Bizarre Bazaar | bonnie | Done | 20 | 11/13/2004 |
I don't have enough money. Just wait while I go over to that ATM where I can get some fresh strawberries!
31 | My Trip Around the World | betty | Done | 21 | 11/8/2004 |
Who knows? We might even end up with hemmorhoids so bad we won't even be able to sit down.
30 | Downtown Precinct | greg | Done | 22 | 11/3/2004 |
I could barely keep my lunch down. Fortunately I had 2 sets of handcuffs.
29 | Growing Up on a Farm | betty | Done | 21 | 10/29/2004 |
The bickering stopped when we heard a loud explosion coming from the outhouse. Then we realized it was just Sid fartin'.
28 | The Dinosaur World | bonnie | Done | 21 | 10/24/2004 |
But suddenly we heard a loud rushing! Coming straight toward us was a giant footprint in the mud.
27 | Gardening with Betty | greg | Done | 20 | 10/19/2004 |
With a little watering, fertilizing, and TLC, your garden will soon be overflowing with marijuana plants.
26 | On the Open Road | bonnie | Done | 21 | 10/14/2004 |
Every time I get to the bottom, I have this feeling of diarrhea running down my pants leg.
25 | The International Village | bonnie | Done | 21 | 10/9/2004 |
We were all scared. The forces of Hauptmann Gestapo were closing in, and Molly was really enjoying her Chinese Chop Suey.
24 | Weekend in Paris | greg | Done | 21 | 10/4/2004 |
He will bring you a complimentary flute of champagne, bubbly and faintly smelling of sewer gas.
23 | Xander Goes Shopping | betty | Done | 22 | 9/29/2004 |
"Let's see if the robbers are still in the parking lot." We dashed out and found them sitting in a puddle of urine.
22 | Fart Dictionary | bonnie | Done | 21 | 9/24/2004 |
Your only hope is to fart again, only this time fart harder, and hopefully it'll be toxic enough to kill any witnesses.
21 | Boot Camp | greg | Done | 21 | 9/19/2004 |
"A spoiler, chromed blower, and a fire-engine red paint job!" I exclaimed, beaming. "And I just might get it, too, it's just what I need in my tent when we go camping out in the woods.
20 | Good Old Pop's Drive-in | betty | Done | 21 | 9/14/2004 |
Every other time the food had tasted fresh and good. Maybe it was because the cook turned out to be an ex-con.
19 | Going Back to College | betty | Done | 21 | 9/9/2004 |
Take the first right, the second left, up the single flight of steps, and then you will be in jail!
18 | If You Give a Mouse a Cookie | bonnie | Done | 21 | 9/4/2004 |
...A gourmet delight, complete with linen napkin, real silverware, sparkling crystal goblets, and soft relaxing heavy metal music.
17 | Our Summer Vacation | betty | Done | 21 | 8/30/2004 |
So we hightailed it to the rest area so we could throw up.
16 | Trapped in a Mine | greg | Done | 21 | 8/25/2004 |
So he took one stick of dynamite, and he cut it into one inch pieces and used them to start a fire.
14 | Our Visit to the Library | bonnie | Done | 21 | 8/15/2004 |
I loaded all the returned books onto the library cart and wheeled them into the back room where I could sort them in peace, and put them where they belonged: in the toilet.
13 | Stress Reduction Techniques | bonnie | Done | 23 | 8/10/2004 |
After I take a nap, I always feel like killing somebody!
12 | My New Job at Burger King | betty | Done | 20 | 8/5/2004 |
Should we ask the customers to leave and go somewhere that doesn't suck?
11 | Cooking with Grandma | betty | Done | 22 | 7/31/2004 |
No one could beat the taste of right-out-of-the-oven freshly baked golden brown teenage girls.
10 | Ultimate Ninja | greg | Done | 22 | 7/26/2004 |
With that, he jumped into the air doing a phoenix burning somersault, and launched himself into a flying killer leap, landing on his arch enemy and completely smashing his record for number of enemies smashed with a single swing of his Bayou Croc Crescent Kick.
8 | Wall Street Blues | greg | Done | 22 | 7/16/2004 |
I also want all your money. I mean ALL of it. Hand it over or I will give you a million dollars...
7 | Going into Space | betty | Done | 21 | 7/11/2004 |
These little wafers, made out of Soylent Green are so tasty, that the spaceship crew wanted to eat a whole galaxy.
5 | Ye Olde Medieval Days | betty | Done | 21 | 7/1/2004 |
First the catapult must be reloaded. So everyone got together and loaded it with sausage.
4 | Barrister the Lawyer Cat | betty | Done | 21 | 6/26/2004 |
"I'm so stressed out I can't think. I need a break." So she put down her pencil and went to hell in a handbasket.
3 | The Big Conundrum | betty | Done | 21 | 6/21/2004 |
Your strength will be like a river, rushing along pell mell with not a backward glance, gleefully heading for a sure collision with that wall!
2 | Woo baby! | greg | Done | 21 | 6/16/2004 |
"What does a girl have to do to get some service around here?!" Her manner frightened the man somewhat, so he stammered, "Woo Baby, I just wet my pants!"
1 | Big Computer | greg | Done | 18 | 6/11/2004 |
I will dump this load of manure just where it will do the most good. And the best place for that will be in the kitchen...