Ah, the yellow daffodils, the purple lilac, the white dogwoods, the magenta azaleas...all lift up your heart and make you feel alive! Take a deep breath-- and pray that your antihistamine is working, because I think you just inhaled more pollen than air! And small wonder, too. Even the cars had turned yellow from the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli! Where did we land? We landed right in a big pile of dry leaves! The pleasant earthy smell of po-tay-toes! Boil em, mash em, stick inna stew! You can also julliene them to make french fries or shred them to make hashbrowns, which really go good with apple fritters and hot chocolate, ... which reminds me I haven't eaten a meal yet today. Hmmm... I think I would like some more lilacs, because they smell so good. I can plant them one by one all lining the sidewalk. When they bloom they will look as if they are marching, and when the neighbors see them, they will exclaim, "Have you got anything without Spam?" and I'll say, "Well, there's the Spam, egg, sausage, and Spam... that's not got much Spam in it." And when they say, "I don't want ANY Spam! Look, will you do me the egg, bacon, and Spam without the Spam?" then I'll reply, "You are the biggest dummy I have ever seen!! You are the biggest dummy I have ever seen! Can you not see that bird's nest? In that tree, right up there! You can see it, right next to the big ferris wheel. Whee! Let's go ride it! We can see the whole countryside and we can see all the people in the truck stop, staring at the calendar, realizing it's only a few days before Summer! Will we run out of time to catch the sunset. Phooey! Yes, phooey! Now I have to wait 23 1/2 hours to get to see the moonflower bloom! Until then, well, who knows? I am sure we will be able to find a place to eat, but will any place be open at this time of night?? Hey, there's always Waffle House. And thinking of that, what does a dog like to eat for breakfast?? Woofles and Pooched Egg'! Of course, I am sure you have your own opinion about a breakfast menu.... what say you?" I leaned back in my chair and considered the question I had posed to myself. Was I even hungry? And was breakfast the appropriate meal for this time? I looked at the clock, and suddenly realized! It's summer! That must explain why we always want to have a picnic with friends and family. And when I finally checked the calendar, I realized our next house is going to need multiple fireplaces, because that last winter was a doozy! Where did we land? We landed right in a big pile of dry leaves! The pleasant earthy smell of po-tay-toes! Boil em, mash em, stick inna stew! THE END! |