After 20 entries, the story is finished!! Here it is!

"High School Carwash" -- started by greg
The esteemed authors and their contributions are: betty(8) greg(6) bonnie(6)
 Story #43. Finished on 1/7/2005.

My friends and I decided to have a carwash this weekend, in order to raise money for the prom! The theme this year was Election Year Falderall! We brought out the banners of red, white, and blue. We brought out the banners of elephants and donkeys. We even brougnt out the banners of eye-catching, colorful cloth were tied up in various locations around the perimeter of the parking lot for the purpose of raising money for the annual sack race. We would need a lot of sacks this year and big ones-- big enough to hold all the money people were giving us. Money money money. We took some of the money and used it for wiping up the spoiled milk in the back seat. Boy, did it stink! It smelled like the driver must be a smoker. Frowning, we decided we could first try vacuuming up all the fragments of dried vomit. If they aren't stuck to the upholstery. If they are, we can try to use a high powered spray washer with a jet nozzle...or to blow his big hair dryer over the towel-dried car, for a final touch-up. Everyone was impressed by all the water running into the gutter. It was like a river of foamy green beer. "It's Gatorade Beer!" he explained jovially. We looked at him like we was nuts. We took it and squeezed it as hard as we could. Then we took both ends and twisted them into mangled balls of metal. The giant robot then kicked them out of his way, like soccer balls made of tin foil. When we saw that we weren't getting many customers, we knew we had to do something to draw attention, so several of the girls put on bikinis and stood by the road holding up two signs: "CAR" over her top, and "WASH" over her lower area, so the signs obscured her clothing and everyone driving past would think "Holy cow! Those girls are wearing bikinis! Go back! Go back!!" Sure enough, we heard tires squealing as the two head honchos revved up for the race of the year. and waved the water hose in a circle over his head, splashing water on everyone nearby, including customers, classmates, and the whole board of supervisors joined in to hold hands, circle around, and sang Ring Around the Rosy.


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